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The enrollment process for the following school year begins in the middle of July. You will need to contact the Academy to add your name or your attendance to the list of “prospects” for the following school year. Each new student must take a test. This test or evaluation will define your entry into the Academy. The Academy will send you a written report on the results of the same. After this, the admission and enrollment process will begin. The cost of the test or evaluation is $ 20.00 and they are non-refundable.

Requirements for Admission: Students entering for the first time will have to pay an admission fee. This admission will depend on the grade to which the student enters and may be canceled in one installment or monthly installments during the school year.


Enrollment Requirements: Once the student has satisfactorily passed the tests and evaluations and has been accepted, the enrollment will be paid before October 30 to ensure a place in the Academy. When you come to register, you must bring the following documents: 2 passport-size photos; school birth certificate; health certificate, including blood and stool laboratory; and a copy of the vaccination card. For students who transfer from another school, they must bring a copy of the latest report card, good standing certificate and school credits.


As a requirement, each guardian must sign a Contract which will ensure the benefits, rights and duties of the respondent towards the Academy.

New Student Form

Continuation form

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